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Onboarding Guide Power Apps
Reco Product Management avatar
Written by Reco Product Management
Updated over 3 months ago

Microsoft Power Apps Integration Guide

For this integration you will need to create an application in your tenants azure account and provide some needed details regarding the application. Afterwards, you will need to provide that application with the needed authorization in order to access the powerapps api.

  1. Log in to you azure account:

  2. Click on the `App registration` button

  3. Click on the `New registration` button

  4. Give you application a name for example `Reco for PowerApps` and click `Register`

  5. You will be redirected to the application `Overview` page. In this page copy the `Application (client) ID` (this is your `client_id`), `Directory (tenant) ID` (this is you `tenant_id`)

  6. Click on `Certificates & secrets`

  7. In the `secrets` page click on `New client secret` and create a new secret, the expiration date should be as long as possible

  8. Copy the `Value` of the new secret – this will be the needed field in the `secret` tab later. In this example the secret is i9y8…

  9. Now that we created the app we will need to give it the needed authorization. You will need to go to add a role that allows this new app to call the powerapps api. Browe to and search for `Power Platform Administrator` and click the role

  10. Click the `Add assignment` button and search for the name of your newly created app – then assign the app the needed role by clicking on it and then on the `Add` button

  11. Now you will need to run a powershell script – this script will open a login window to your azure account.


    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell

    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerShell -AllowClobber

    $appId = "<CLIENT_ID>"

    $tenantId = "<TENANT_ID>"

    Add-PowerAppsAccount -Endpoint prod -TenantID $tenantId

    New-PowerAppManagementApp -ApplicationId $appId


  12. After all the steps above, everything is ready and configured – now you just need to add the client_id, secret and tenant_id in the reco integration screen and click `Connect`

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